The Monday after the Sadie Hawkins dance was a mixed bag for Kenny. Just about everyone who knew him knew that he had creamed his jeans – big time – at the dance. He even heard people he didn't know wondering aloud who "Kenny S." was after they'd seen the graffiti that had been spray-painted on the front of the school announcing his highly embarrassing "accident." As he expected, giggles and whispers accompanied his arrival in every class.
But on the flip side, two varsity jocks had actually sympathized with Kenny, and promised to exact revenge on Michelle, his teasing date. And Suzie the cheerleader had seen the bulge of Kenny's fully-hard equipment before he ejaculated, and it turned her on so much she invited him to come to her house after school!
Just as he began walking to school on Tuesday, with a smile on his face and a spring in his step, Kenny heard Jon call out from behind him. "Hey, Kenny! Wait up!"
"How's it goin'?" Kenny greeted his buddy.
"OK. Hey, are you gonna... I mean... the club meeting is today," Jon said, hesitant to bring up the subject of Kenny cumming in his pants. "Are you gonna be there?"
Kenny had really been thinking about what the jocks had said to him. He also had another reason not to go to the meeting. "I don't know, man," he said. "I think I might lay low for a while with the jeans creaming thing."
The disappointment on Jon's face was obvious. The Tuesday morning meetings were his favorites because he had a perfect view of Kenny's desk in the class right before the meeting.
Kenny continued, "Besides, I got nothin' saved up, you know?"
"You been beating off again?" Jon asked teasingly. His hand went into his pocket.
"Not exactly," Kenny replied. "You know Suzie, the blond cheerleader?"
Kenny looked his friend in the eye, barely able to contain his glee. "She sucked me off yesterday after school!"
"No way!" Jon shouted as his cock began to stiffen at the thought. "Oh, man! Details, details!"
"Well, she was at the dance, you know?" Kenny said. He noticed Jon's hand already busy in his pocket and decided to make the story as arousing as he could. "And she saw me walking around all hard and everything."
"Everybody saw that, dude," Jon kidded.
"Yeah, but it gets her all hot, you know? So yesterday at school, she comes up to me and says what Michelle did was really awful and she wanted me to come to her house after school."
"Oh, fuck!" Jon exclaimed.
"So I go over there. And she, like, doesn't waste any time at all. The next thing I know, we're on the couch makin' out like crazy." Kenny's voice took on a different tone as he remembered the events. "Ohhhh, man. Her lips were so soft. And she totally wanted to french and everything."
"Yeah? Yeah? Get to the good stuff!" Kenny's impatient friend insisted, his loose jeans tented and wiggling.
"OK, so she starts rubbing my cock through my pants... and she's even better at it than Michelle! Pretty soon I'm thinking, 'Fuck, she just want to make me cream my pants like Michelle!' But just then, she reaches for my belt and starts undoing it. I'm like, 'Woah!'"
"I bet!" Jon said, his breathing becoming erratic.
"And so she opens my pants and she sees my boxers..." Kenny said, suddenly remembering Jon's "thing" for his boxers, "...the real faded ones, you know?"
"Oh fuck," Jon murmured.
Kenny smiled as he continued, "And she goes, 'Oooooh. I like your boxers!'" Kenny was embellishing the truth a little for Jon's benefit. Jon was so easy to mess with. "Then she starts rubbing my cock through my boxers! Awww man, that felt soooo good!" Jon was quiet, so Kenny continued. "And then, man, and then I could feel some pre-cum coming out and like all of a sudden there's this wet spot on my boxers."
"Wowww," Jon sighed.
"And I couldn't believe it, man. She leaned over and stuck her tongue out and licked the wet spot!"
Jon couldn't do anything but whimper. He was stroking his cock like crazy through his pocket picturing Suzie licking Kenny's hot boxers.
"Well, my cock really jumped when she did that. She looked up at me and grinned, and then... well, you're not gonna believe this, man."
"What? What?" Jon rasped.
"She grabbed my boner in my boxers and put her lips all the way around it," Kenny said. It was actually a lie – Suzie had taken his cock out of his boxers before she sucked on it, but he knew this would send Jon into a frenzy.
It was working. Jon was blatantly jacking off inside his pants. Anyone who even glanced their way would have seen Jon's fly rhythmically jumping and his face bright red with arousal.
"Then she started licking the head right through my fuckin boxers, and pretty soon she was moving her lips up and down – she was giving me a blow job right through my shorts!" Kenny said. "Aww man, I couldn't hold back. I totally creamed in her mouth right through my favorite boxers."
Kenny hadn't really been watching Jon very closely. He knew Jon was masturbating in his jeans, but didn't realize how far things had gone. With only one block before they got to school, Kenny turned to his shaking, panting buddy. His eyes flew open.
"Dude! Don't shoot now! You got the contest second period. Don't waste it!" Kenny urged.
"Mmmphh!" Jon grunted, using all his will power to hold back his load. Through clenched teeth, he hissed, "Can't... hold... it! Gotta... gotta... oh fuck!" Abandoning all hope of holding back his load, Jon grasped his cock through his pocket and boxer shorts and started milking his hot, slippery juice into his jeans. Streams of cum shot out and began soaking through the fabric and running down his leg.
"Aww, mannnn!" Kenny taunted. "You got noooo self control! What a dude!" He knew this humiliating talk would arouse Jon even more. "You're totally jizzing your jeans, man. Right out in front of everyone!" There were actually only a handful of students in range, and none looking in their direction, but it added to the embarrassing picture. "Look at that wet spot! What a fucking mess!"
Jon stroked his trapped cock furiously as Kenny put him down for his lack of control. It was embarrassing. He knew he didn't have any control over his dick. He knew he was making a big mess of his jeans even before school started and he'd have to walk around all morning with a big sperm stain. But it was worth it. His cool buddy Kenny was the one who made him do it, and now he was the one who was making fun of him, this cool kid teasing him about wetting his pants in public – wetting them with cum.
Finally, Jon sighed deeply and took his hand out of his pocket. Kenny just grinned and shook his head.
"That's gonna dry before the contest, man," Kenny said. "Are you gonna be able to get off again by second period?"
"I will if you will," Jon said, grinning.
"I don't know, man. It's like everybody was looking at my pants yesterday, expecting to see a cum stain or something. I don't think I want to walk around with cummy pants after what happened." Kenny suddenly remembered something that he thought would help his friend. "Tell you what, though. You know those boxers that Suzie sucked me off through?"
"Yeah, they're totally my favorites," Jon said, the cooling wetness now making him feel self-conscious about his messy jeans as they approached the school gates.
"Well, I wore 'em again today," Kenny said, grinning from ear to ear.
Jon's eyes widened. "No shit?!"
"Yeah, and I can feel 'em all stiff and everything right where I shot off in 'em yesterday," Kenny said. While it was true he was wearing Jon's favorite boxer shorts, he hadn't actually worn them to Suzie's, but Kenny knew Jon would freak out thinking he was wearing cum-stained, sucked-on boxers. "I'll give you a peek during class, OK?"
Jon just smiled.
"Hey, uh, don't take this personally, but with everything that's happened, I...uh...well, I don't really want to be walking with you at school with your pants like that," Kenny said.
"It's cool," Jon said.
"I'll hang back. Catch you later."
Jon boldly walked onto campus, one leg of his jeans covered in shiny wetness. Kenny saw a few people gawking and laughing, and kind of felt bad for his friend. But the commotion was perfect cover for his own entrance and he was able to get to his locker without anyone noticing him.
Kenny felt kind of bad for making Jon masturbate before school like that, so he wanted to make it up to him. He thought about how he was going to exhibit his boxers for Jon, and came up with something different. He was wearing a long T-shirt and a longer jacket, neither of which would show anything no matter how much he leaned over. In between first and second periods, he went into a stall in the boys' room and tucked his T-shirt inside his boxers. It felt kind of weird, but he carefully arranged his boxers so they showed a lot in back. Then he put his windbreaker back on and walked to class.
Throughout the class, Jon, whose earlier wet spot was no longer visible, was trying to get himself to cum again. His shorts were still damp, but not wet enough to be slippery, so the sensation wasn't as exciting as he would have liked. And Kenny still wasn't showing those boxers! There was only 15 minutes left before morning break and he was getting worried that he wouldn't be able to cum again. He didn't want to miss the meeting because he promised to meet Rod there.
Kenny could hear all the rustling going on back at Jon's desk. He had a pretty good idea what his friend was going through, but he wanted to torture him just a little longer. With 12 minutes left, Kenny took off his windbreaker, laying it in his lap. From behind him, he heard a gasp. Kenny smiled.
Jon couldn't believe his eyes. Cool Kenny was showing off his boxers in a way he'd never seen before. It wasn't just that there was about 4 inches of patterns showing, but with his T-shirt tucked into his boxers, there was no doubt that Kenny was deliberately showing off Jon's favorite boxers – big time. For the first time since he sat down, Jon's cock became fully hard.
Kenny hoped his display was having the desired effect. He felt a little self-conscious with his shirt tucked into his boxers like this. He figured if anybody called him on it, he could always claim he got dressed in a hurry and tucked his shirt in by mistake. But there was something kind of hot about showing his boxers like this. Hearing Jon's reaction and knowing he was, at that very moment, jacking off over his boxers gave Kenny his own hard-on. Quietly, he reached under his jacket and adjusted his growing cock into a more comfortable position.
Suddenly, Kenny heard a whispered "All right!" He knew it came from Jon, and that Jon thought he had started jacking off. Smiling, Kenny made his jacket move in a subtle rhythm, just enough to let Jon's imagination go wild.
It was working. But Jon's cock was getting a little raw from 40 minutes of rubbing against the damp cotton of his boxers. He switched to a mostly squeezing stroke, still desperate to ejaculate before class was over.
The boys continued their classroom games until the bell rang. Kenny donned his jacket, both to cover his boxers and his boner. Unfortunately, Jon still had a boner as well.
"Dude, didn't you get off?" Kenny asked when they got outside.
"No," Jon said, sounding miserable. "My shorts weren't wet enough or dry enough. It just didn't feel good. And now my dick's sore."
"I told you to hold it," Kenny said.
"Hey, it's your fault I couldn't hold it," Jon countered. "You have to come with me to the meeting. I'm gonna have to jack off in front of all the guys and I'm gonna need some help."
"Aww, mannnn," Kenny whined. "I don't want to have to jack off, too!"
"You gotta, Kenny."
Kenny sighed. "All right."
When they turned the corner to where the Jack Off in Class Klub was meeting, they saw the usual assortment of guys comparing wet cum stains they made in their last class. Mikey looked up and saw the dry duo walking toward them.
"A double!" he piped up. "Check it out!"
All the guys turned and looked at Kenny and Jon's bulging but dry pants. There was a lot of commotion; it had been a long time since two guys had shown up to a meeting without having creamed their pants.
Jon and Kenny were quickly surrounded to shield their now-mandatory public masturbation from view. Kenny dutifully wrapped his hand around his still hard cock and began rubbing. Jon started to do the same, but winced at the touch.
"Open your jacket," Jon said to Kenny.
Kenny looked around, rolled his eyes and opened his jacket revealing his boxers. The guys in the club didn't know how to react. Everyone knew Kenny wore the coolest boxers, but with them showing like that, the guys had to decide if it was sexy or just strange.
Rod was there, sporting an exceptionally large cum stain. It only took him a moment to decide that Kenny's display was really hot. "Awesome, dude," he said.
"Oh man, I gotta
try that," a guy named Travis said, putting his books down and tucking his own
T-shirt into his boxers.
Jon watched him do that, and started dividing his gaze between Travis and Kenny. He was really turned on, but he was afraid he wouldn't be able to get off before the break was over. Suddenly, he lifted his shirt, spit into his hand, and shoved his hand down inside his pants.
Underneath the cover of his already-spermed shorts, Jon got his cock nice and slick and started jacking furiously.
A couple guys laughed. "Look at him go!" one called out.
Kenny, who really didn't want to cum, but knew the club rules required it, was rubbing across the head of his cock faster and faster. He hoped he could cum quickly so it wouldn't be a really big orgasm. It turned him on to have Jon and the rest of the guys looking at his boxer shorts, so he took his free hand and pulled his shorts up out of his pants even more.
Jon got a pained look on his face; Kenny's exaggerated display was really getting to him. He quickly withdrew his hand and spit into it again, then thrust it back into pants to resume stroking.
Travis saw Jon's reaction and moved next to Kenny, pulling his own underwear up higher for Jon's benefit.
Rod wished he could do the same for his boyfriend, but he had freeballed that day so his wet stain would win the contest.
It wouldn't have mattered to Jon. He was on overload with two cute guys showing off their boxers for him. With an agonized, strangled cry, Jon began shooting his second load of the morning into his boxers and jeans. His cock was aching and raw, and his semen burned as it came up through his shaft, but the release was very intense.
Kenny saw Jon cum, saw the wet spot begin to form at the tip, and that caused him to begin releasing his own load. He deliberately tried not to let his orgasm get very intense; he just wanted to make a small spot. But teen balls will not be denied, and they decided they wanted to be completely drained.
Memories of his last dance with Michelle suddenly took over Kenny's brain. Just as on that night, he was once again horrified at how much cum was now flowing, flowing, flowing into his pants. Despite the embarrassment of that night, it was one of the hottest orgasms he'd ever had. He hadn't cum in his pants since the dance, but it was now obvious that his cock really liked releasing sperm inside his pants. So, standing there, grasping at his pants, showing his boxers, Kenny drenched the whole front of his pants with hot cream.
The rest of the guys were mesmerized by the hot sight of two guys masturbating and cumming so intensely in their pants. Several guys were rubbing their already wet pants, their cocks springing up from the excitement.
Usually, once the guy who didn't get off in class had finished jacking off in front of the others, the other guys would move away, exposing him and his dripping cum stain to the rest of the school. This time, however, nobody moved. They stood in silence, overcome by the intensity of Jon's climax and the quantity of Kenny's.
Kenny stood up straight and pulled his windbreaker closed. Most of his wet stain was covered by the move. Jon carefully pulled his jizz-smeared hand out of his pants. He looked at the gooey mess and, unable to think what else to do with it, shoved his hand back into his pants and wiped as much as he could off on his wet boxers. Only when he finished did the tight circle of cum-stained boys open up.
"Guys, I gotta tell you something," Kenny said, catching his breath. "That was Jon's second cum this morning. He creamed his pants on the way to school. Check out his jeans and you'll see the first one."
Several guys crowded around Jon, closely inspecting the front of his jeans.
"You mean all this?" one guy said, pointing to the large outline on his thigh.
"Yup," Kenny said.
"And you came again?" the guy asked Jon incredulously.
Jon, wilted and sweating, just nodded.
Now everyone was scrambling to get a close look at Jon's stained jeans. Many of them felt the stiff fabric and even Jon's new wet spot. When everyone had checked it out, Kenny said, "I think he's the winner, don't you?"
There was agreement all around. Jon smiled and completed the meeting, choosing (surprise, surprise) next Tuesday's morning break for the next meeting.
As the week went on, things got back to pretty much normal for Kenny. He saw Michelle in class and passed her in the halls a couple of times and didn't even acknowledge her. Suzie, on the other hand, seemed to be ignoring Kenny. Kenny finally figured out that she just wanted a quick conquest and nothing long term. 'Oh well,' he thought. "At least I got a real blow job.'
Kenny was kind of torn between the great sensation of getting his cock sucked and the intensity of the orgasms that happened inside his pants. He even experimented at home – one day jacking off like he always did and letting his sperm land all over his chest and stomach, then the next day rubbing his jeans until his cock squirted in his shorts. He came to the conclusion that while the sensations leading up to orgasm were better when his cock was naked, the orgasm he experienced was more intense inside his pants. Part of that was the "naughty" feeling of letting wetness out inside his pants and underwear.
That Saturday, Kenny's parents left him alone for a while. He was contemplating jacking off, this time stroking it out of his pants then putting it back inside when he was about to cum, when the doorbell rang.
It was
Jon and Rod. Kenny burst out laughing when he saw how they were dressed. They
were both in jeans and regular shirts, which wasn't unusual, but they both had
their shirts open showing their T-shirts tucked into their boxers.
"Sorry guys, you just surprised me," Kenny said after he regained his composure. "Come on in."
"We both thought it was really cool the way you and Travis showed your shorts on Tuesday so we thought we'd try it, too," Jon said.
"Yeah, it's like sagging with your shirt off, but if it's not warm enough to take your shirt off, this lets you show off your boxers, too," Rod added.
"Well, I wasn't trying to start a fashion or anything," Kenny said. "I just wanted to try and turn Jon on."
"It worked," Jon said, grinning. Kenny noticed a slight swelling at Jon's crotch.
"Turned me on, too," Rod said. "I've been jacking off all week thinking about it. When we got together today, we started talking about it and just decided to do it. We were thinking about going to the mall later and see who notices."
"Well let me know how it goes," Kenny said.
"Hey, Kenny," Jon said. "It sounded like you really didn't want to be in the J.O.C.K. club any more."
Kenny sighed. "I don't know, guys. It's just that on Monday, a couple of guys who said they used to be in the club told me that it was really kid stuff and that if I kept creaming my jeans, I'd wouldn't be able to control it when I wanted to. I mean, I got a real blow job from a chick, and it felt really good and everything, but it happened real fast. It's like, well, it's fun to cum real quick in class, but I want to be able to hold back, too."
Rod and Jon couldn't really argue with that. After a few moments of silence, Jon asked, "But you think you might still do it in your pants sometimes?"
Kenny smiled. "Yeah, I have to admit it feels pretty good sometimes."
Both Rod and Jon looked at each other and smiled. Then Jon asked, "Hey, can we check out some porn on your computer?"
Kenny chuckled. "Sure," he said, and they all headed up to Kenny's bedroom. After Kenny turned on his equipment, he asked, "Where do you want to go?"
"You know how to get into Yahoo groups?" Rod asked.
"Here, why don't you do it?" Kenny said, stepping away from the computer.
"I found this group called "Jacking off in tight jeans," Rod said as he entered the URL. "It's really awesome."
Soon the guys were staring at pictures of other guys who had creamed in their jeans.
"Oh man, look at that spot!" Jon called out, his hand busy in his crotch.
Rod saw what Jon was doing. He reached over and moved Jon's hand away, then began rubbing the bulge himself. Jon looked nervously at Kenny.
"Hey, don't worry about me, guys," Kenny said. "Have fun."
So Jon returned the favor and began rubbing Rod's cock bulge. For several minutes, the guys were sitting around the computer, with Rod and Jon playing with each other, and Kenny occasionally adjusting his own boner.
"Check this one out," Rod said as he clicked a link. He felt Jon's cock throb powerfully in response to the hot image.
"Ohhhh," Jon sighed. "I don't know how long I'll be able to hold it looking at this stuff." Rod doubled the speed of his rubbing on Jon's bulge. "Are you trying to make me stain my boxers, man?" Jon asked, knowing full well that's what his friend was trying to do.
With his other hand, Rod reached over and gently pulled Jon's patterned shorts up a little more. "You mean these really cool boxers?" he said. He continued fingering the waistband as he relentlessly rubbed Jon's trapped hard-on.
"Oh yeah," Jon said. "You can see my underwear. You know if you make me do it I'll be messing up my cool boxers." He started rubbing Rod's cock with more intensity. "Your boxers are showing, too, man. You better not mess them up either." Now Rod's cock throbbed.
Kenny felt a little awkward. It was hot watching his two friends jack each other off in their pants, but it was kind of strange eavesdropping on their private hot talk. He cleared his throat.
Jon didn't miss a beat. "What kind of boxers are you wearing, Kenny?" he asked.
"Um... just regular old stripes, I guess."
"You wanna show them like we're doing?" Jon asked. When Kenny didn't answer, he continued, "Maybe we could all go the mall like this."
That was something Kenny definitely wasn't ready for. "Um, I gotta hang around here, but I guess I could show them to you guys."
With that, Kenny stood up and unbuttoned his khaki pants. He tucked his T-shirt into his boxers as he had done for Jon last Tuesday, and then buttoned his pants again. While he was doing this, both Rod and Jon stood up, the computer forgotten, and as they watched Kenny putting on his underwear show for them, they removed their outer shirts so everyone was wearing just a white T-shirt on top.
Softly, Jon said, "Oh, that's so hot." Then he walked over to Kenny. "Can I...?" he asked, reaching for Kenny's exposed waistband. Kenny just shrugged, not sure what Jon had in mind. Jon began carefully arranging Kenny's waistband so it showed a couple inches pretty much evenly all the way around. All three boys felt their cocks throbbing as Jon backed away.
"This is so hot," Jon said. "Check it out. We're all showing our boxers. Looks so cool."
Kenny wasn't at all sure it was "cool," but it was kind of a turn-on with everyone standing around showing both their underwear and big boners pushing out the fronts of their pants.
Rod moved up next to Jon and rubbed his hip against his boyfriend. Jon turned toward him and the poking blunt end of his cock brushed against Rod. His whole body spasmed.
"Dude, you're really hot," Rod said. He moved even closer. "You like this?" he teased. "You like it when we show off our shorts?" Rod deliberately let his bulging pants front rub against Jon's. "And we all got big boners? Big fucking hard-ons all rubbing against our boxers?"
Kenny smirked. It was obvious Rod had also found out how to push poor Jon's buttons. Jon was practically trembling with excitement. He pushed his hips out and returned the pressure against Rod's cock bulge.
Rod liked it. "Oh yeah, that does turn you on, huh?" Rod's hips took up a rhythm, pushing repeatedly at Jon's overheated cock. "Can you feel my cock? It's all hard and leaking in my boxers."
Jon didn't back away, but he did look nervously at Kenny. Rod was sharing their most private little sex rituals in front of his cool buddy.
Rod picked up on this. "You worried about doing it in front of your straight buddy? You worried that you're gonna cream your jeans in front of him?" Rod taunted. He looked at Kenny and winked.
Kenny was quick on the uptake. "Yeah, what the hell are you guys doing humping like that right in my bedroom?" He took on a macho pose, slowly pulling at his exposed boxer shorts waistband. "I don't know if that's cool, guys. I mean, you better not get off or anything. It's not cool to mess up your boxers in front of other guys."
"Oh, God," Jon moaned. They were ganging up on him. Rod now had his whole body plastered against Jon's and they were dry-humping just like they did in Kenny's basement (and many times since). He could even feel the vibrations of the bunched fabric covering his elastic boxer waistband as it rubbed across Rod's.
Rod felt it, too, and called Jon's attention to it. "Check it out, Jon. We're all dressed and everything, and our boxers are rubbing against each other," he said, his breathing giving away his own arousal from this little game.
Kenny watched in amazement. It wasn't that he found guy-guy stuff either revolting or exciting. He was just amazed at how quickly their little underwear game had turned into such a steamy scene. But he decided to play his cool-guy role anyway, doing his best to turn on the two boyfriends.
"Man, what are you guys doin'?" he said in a demanding tone, pulling even more of his underwear out of his pants. "It looks like you're trying to make each other cum in your pants – right in front of me. I bet in a minute you're gonna start kissing."
Rod took that as a cue. When Jon turned to look at him, Rod planted his lips on Jon's. In moments, their tongues were dueling and their passion soared beyond any return short of complete release.
"Dudes!" Kenny called out. "I thought you were, like, these cool guys showing your boxers and everything. And now you're makin' out with each other right in front of me. If you cum in your boxers, I'm gonna know it. It's gonna leave a stain."
Kenny's own cock was super hot and he wished his role-playing personality allowed him to jack himself off while watching his friends cum in their pants. But then he had an idea. "Hey, if you guys cream your pants, I'm gonna make you suck me off through my shorts."
"AW!" Jon shouted. His cum had been pushing to get out, but Kenny's demand caused instant and total release. "AW! AW!" he continued, while hot cream spurted into his partly-exposed shorts.
"Ahhhhh!" This time it was Rod's turn to let go. His orgasm wasn't the sudden, jolting kind Jon was experiencing. It was a series of long, slow, streaming ejaculations that instantly filled his underwear with wetness.
Kenny smirked as the two boys stood in front of him, both sharing fully clothed climaxes. Just as Jon's orgasm started to fade, he turned and looked at the smirking Kenny, his boxers now at least 4 inches out of his khakis. Jon's orgasm briefly intensified, but finally came to an end at about the same time as Rod's.
"I don't believe you guys. You see a little boxer shorts showing and you get yourselves all cummy," Kenny said.
Jon's breathing had still not returned to normal, but Kenny's previous challenge was fresh in his mind. "Sorry, man. I guess now we have to suck you off through your shorts," he said.
Kenny laughed and said "No way. I just said that to get you hot."
"Whatsa matter, Kenny?" Rod asked. "You afraid of doing something queer?"
"No, man. It's just... I don't really think that would turn me on," Kenny replied. Both Jon and Rod started moving toward Kenny. "Hey guys, really, you don't have to do this."
Rod, who was larger and more muscular than Kenny moved behind him as Jon started to kneel in front of him.
"Guys, c'mon! I was kidding," Kenny said, suddenly realizing they were dead serious. Just then Rod wrapped his arms around Kenny's chest and held him tightly while Jon went to work on his fly.
Kenny struggled briefly but soon realized it was futile. "Aw shit, Jon. Don't do this," he begged.
Nothing was going to stop Jon. In a flash, Kenny's fly was open and his cock pronged out underneath his striped boxers. Jon wrapped the fabric around the shaft and licked his lips.
Rod was watching over Kenny's shoulder. "Do it, Jon. Suck him off through his boxers," he urged.
Jon didn't need any more encouragement. A stunned Kenny watched as Jon wrapped his lips around the cloth-covered boner. Just moments later, Kenny felt hot wetness soaking through his material. Jon was swirling his tongue all over the head of Kenny's lurching hard-on. Jon then started moving his lips up and down the shaft, soaking the fabric with his saliva.
Soon the only sounds in the room were Kenny's heavy breathing and the sloppy wet noises being made by Jon's relentless sucking of Kenny's boxers. With all the excitement he'd seen, and the wild sensations of being sucked off through his shorts, Kenny knew it wouldn't be long before he lost his load.
Rod whispered in Kenny's ear, "If I let you go are you going to try and stop us?"
Kenny shook his head. "But I gotta sit down," he panted.
Rod loosened
his grip, tentatively at first, then finally releasing the boy completely. Kenny
pulled away from Jon's sucking mouth and plopped heavily in his computer chair.
The fabric of his boxers was almost transparent, clinging to his cock, and the
raging purple color of Kenny's engorged cock head was clearly visible. Jon immediately
resumed sucking his buddy's shorts.
Rod felt left out. "Hey Jon, you're not the only one who came in his boxers," he said. "I gotta suck Kenny through his shorts, too."
Reluctantly, Jon pulled his mouth off his buddy's cloth-encased boner. Jon stood up, and just seconds later, Rod replaced him, wasting no time pushing Kenny's boxer-clad boner into his mouth. Rod's technique was very different than Jon's – less gentle, more urgent. Rod put his hand next to his lips and used it to intensify the stroking of Kenny's dick.
*Slurp* *squish* *slurp* Rod was giving Kenny a first class blow job right through his underwear! The sensations were about to take Kenny over the edge.
"Rod... dude... wait...." Kenny panted. "It's gonna do it... Back off, man... It's gonna do it!"
Rod wasn't about to miss the feeling of his cute blond classmate squirting his cum. He was ready to suck all of Kenny's load right through his boxers.
Jon watched enviously, rubbing his still semi-hard cock through his cum-soaked pants. Kenny was wincing with the effort at holding back his load. He couldn't believe that Rod really wanted to take his cum like that. But if Rod kept up his wet, slippery stroking, Kenny knew his load was going to come out no matter what.
"Really, man... I'm not kidding..." Kenny warned.
Rod's only response was to suck Kenny's shorts even more intensely. That did it.
"Fuck! It's cummmminnngggg!" Kenny cried as jets of hot sperm began squirting into his boxers. Rod immediately tasted the salty juice and sucked even harder to get all of it into his mouth.
Jon could just envision the tip of Kenny's cock, pressed tightly into the soaking wet fabric, ejecting it milky load, the cum oozing through his boxers into Rod's waiting throat. It was enough to give him another boner, just minutes after shooting his load with Rod.
Kenny couldn't believe the sensations of getting sucked off through his boxers. In a way, it was the best of both – the naughty fun of jizzing inside his shorts, and the slippery wetness of a blow job. Either way, Rod was expertly milking tons of cream from Kenny's throbbing hard-on.
When he finally stopped shooting, Rod backed away, swallowed and smiled. Kenny, sweaty and breathing heavily, plunked down on his bed. His cock began drooping under the hopelessly messy, soaking wet front of his boxers.
"So was it as good as Suzie's boxer blow-job?" Rod asked.
For a minute, Kenny wasn't quite sure what he was talking about. Then he remembered the fib he told Jon to get him excited on his way to school last Tuesday. Debating whether to put the record straight, he finally decided to just leave it alone. Smiling, he just said, "Even better."
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